without them, I would not be what I am today...
I was teary-eyed when I graduated college, moved by the very thought that a lot of persons walked and climbed with me through the different mountains...
Here's my graduation speech on that unforgettable night when i had the chance to say thanks to all who have touched my life...
"We have finally come to this momentous day of our graduation. Years of seemingly countless academic endeavors have not only taught us the values of hardwork, dedication, patience and perseverance, but have made us grow to become better human persons. Indeed, today marks the culmination of our college years. Yet the journey has not come to an end. The dawn of a new beginning awaits each of us. Tomorrow, we shall face the challenges of life with ever more inspired and passionate minds and hearts, inculcated with profound learnings, values and insights.
Yet what sets us apart from typical college students of our time is not merely the intellectual or academic training we have received from this institute. More significant is the holistic religious formation that has created in us transformed and integrally developed beautiful persons. We have emerged victorious and successful because we strove not just with our own bare hands, but we labored with the grace and guidance of God’s loving hands. All of our pursuits would have been in vain if it were not for Him. In our venture, we have not just learned and understood, but we have also prayed and believed. Our faith in Him has made us realize our dreams.
We are graduates not merely of a Philosophy degree, but we are graduates of a precious college seminary formation as well. We owe the human values and the various lessons of life we now possess to God, the source of all wisdom, and to the many instruments he has sent: our formators, spiritual directors, professors, families and all who have unrelentingly shared their gift of person, empowering and inspiring us to continue and to soar high in our sojourn.
I remember once asking God, “Why was I born?” and “What is the meaning of life?” He answered by telling me that life has a purpose and mission to fulfill. Even beyond this is the deeply touching truth that God is calling me to love because He loves no matter what, and he has loved me since the very day I was born. My fellow brothers, the same is true in your unique lives. Let us not be shaken by our doubts and fears. The scriptures say, “God does not call those who are equipped, but he equips those whom he has called.” Though many people and even we may not truly understand the deep mystery of our calling, we nevertheless sail forth without knowing what lies ahead, only knowing that, in our hearts lies our faith and trust in Him.
Today we celebrate the gift of our vocation and we give our heartfelt and utmost thanks to the Lord who calls and sends holy apostles to His Church!
For the many persons who have become part and parcel of our life-mission, we seminarians extend our sincerest gratitude!
To my fellow brothers, Padayon! Let us continue to be the bearers of the light of Jesus which touches, transforms and redeems the lives of His people."
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