Sunday, July 5, 2009

who am I?

Perhaps it would be nice to begin this blog with a little introduction about myself.
My name is Niel. I hail from Davao, Philippines and is currently a Postulant seminarian of the Redemptorist congregation. Yes! I aspire to be a priest someday, and each day that dream seem to be becoming more and more real. I am the type of person who loves to do a lot of adventures... travel, meet new people and establish new acquaintances, eat and explore, eat and run... eat and sleep... and do a lot of praying.

I see life as colorful, filled with vibrant colors. In my hand lies a brush through which I paint my life with different human strokes. But the mural I'm working on is not yet done. Its upshot is still a mystery. Somehow, I sense that it is not solely I who's painting the mural of my life.

I love art. Art was my first love. Then came music. It was the second best thing besides art. Then I realized that they could be coupled. That's when magic came.

I believe that life is purpose-driven. Each has his/her mission to fulfill. In a sense, we are missionaries or pilgrims. As for me, I own the mission of being good. Sounds simple but quite complicated and challenging in reality.

I believe that best way to know a person is the way he leads his/her life. Each person is a mystery. Yet each human being has the capability of radiating his/her inner beauty depending on his/her choice.

I have the traits of being serious, reflective, jolly, cheerful, crazy, witty, moody, enthusiastic, loving, frank,.. all rolled into one. That's me.

I think that will be it for now. I've been up until wee hours for many days now. My body needs to doze off after having a heavy day.

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